Monday, September 29

May 19, 2014

Labrit visiem! Šodien ir skaista, lietaina, pavasara diena te, Liepāja! 
(Good morning everyone! Today is a beautiful, rainy, spring day here in Liepaja!)

I had a wonderful week! So much to tell and so little time to write it all! Well, I'll just start out by describing the title of the email! Skaidrīte was baptized and confirmed this weekend! It was so beautiful and spiritual! I love her so much and I am so glad that I got to be a part of this whole experience! Here is what the assistants to the president said about her baptism and conversion story:

"Skaidrite met the Sisters in Liepaja just 10 minutes before church. Sisters invited Skaidrite to come to church and she did! That is when Skaidrite first got the Book of Mormon and she fell in love with it. (In 2 months time she has read to Helaman!!) From the beginning the sisters warned of opposition using Luke 8, which prepared Skaidrite for all the opposition that she did receive. The members of the church also helped Skaidrite overcome opposition, find a new apartment, and find a new job. After Skaidrite was confirmed she said that she had truly found her REAL church and Christ's only REAL church on earth. And now she has found the place where she can really worship God."

Here is what I wrote to President Boswell about the day. It truly was a beautiful day and I wish I could send pictures! But I am not allowed! So, anyways, here is what I told President Boswell. I'll add more details at the end:

"Skaidrīte's baptism was beautiful! I felt so privileged to be a part of this step in her life. I have attended many baptisms, and this time, I was so pleased that I got to be right next to the person be baptized. I love Skaidrīte with all my heart. She is going to make a wonderful member and addition to the branch here in Liepāja. There is one part abotu her baptism that I love. During the talk on baptism, the member was wishing her success and strength in her continuing path. When the member said, 'I hope that you will always come to church and take the sacrament.' From the audience, Skaidrīte said, 'Definitely.' It just made me so happy. She loves this branch and is loving learning and taking it all in. She testifies at her baptism and thanked every person individually for their help and part in getting her to this point and then simply stated, I know that I have found my REAL church, Christ's real and only true church on the Earth. She is so excited and we are excited for her as well."

We really enjoyed making this day special for her. I sang "Nearer my God to Thee" at the baptism and Sister Ormsby accompanied me. Sister Ormsby and I gifted her a bible (it was an old bible that we fixed up for her!) She has never owned a bible and we thought this would be a treasured gift for her. She was just glowing the whole day and told everyone constantly that she had found the only true church on the Earth, Christ's restored church. She cried through her confirmation because she felt the spirit so strongly. We know that hardships of course will continue after this, but that she is strong and that she has the strength she needs to keep going. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to continue to help her learn and adjust on this path.

Update about Viktorija (who will be getting baptized this Saturday): "Viktorija had the interview on Saturday. It didn't go well the first time as you know, and we feel at fault for that. We should have been there with her, and we don't think we had done enough to help her feel fully ready. She is still nervous and scared for baptism (mostly a fear of water), but she is excited. I am worried a little bit about afterwards. Viktorija was called by her dad in the middle of sacrament meeting and asked her to come home because her mom wasn't feeling very well, so she just up and left. It worries me that her parents asked her to come home, and also, that the branch members didn't ask about her and haven't really taken her in under their wing. We've tried going to the branch council, but we haven't seen any response yet. We are probably just going to talk to lots of members about them helping keep track of her. We'll give them her number and address and get them involved in her lessons before and after baptism and we are going to work on getting her a very big loving family here so that they will support her and teach her what she needs to know. We mostly hope to find an example for her. Elder Wilson gave us the potential idea of having Ilze take her in. We'll be talking to Ilze about it and see if she will help out."

Well, I'm low on time. I wish I could just capture all that I wanted to tell you about this week, but I just can't write the feelings that I have. I know that I have had a big opportunity to have a role in this. I know that this is the work of salvation. We have our Savior Jesus Christ to help us get home back to our Heavenly Father, but we need to living the Gospel if we want to get back. That is faith, repentance, baptism by immersion by one holding authority of God, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and enduring to the end. I know that Skaidrīte has entered in through the gate. She is now on the path and she'll continue to work so that she can make it back to her Father in Heaven who she loves. I know that this is the only way for us to make it back! I love this work and this gospel. I know it is true and I invite you all to learn more and try harder. What are you going to do different today?


Māsa Klauvarda

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