Thursday, May 2

May 2, 2013

Hello all! I'm not sure if this email will be as long as my last as I find that my weeks are blending in to each other. The big things that have happened this week is they changed our schedules up. Our schedules are completely different, and the only thing that is the same is we kept the same Preparation Day, but even the schedule on Preparation day is different. That is why this email is coming so late! :) All is well in the field. I love the work and I love being a missionary.
Well last Preparation Day after I emailed I had a wonderful experience. I went to the temple and while walking there had the thought, more like a prayer, that I really wanted to see a familiar face besides people that I see in the MTC all the time. It was a silly prayer, but I did ask to just see someone from my life before. I knew that God would answer my prayer if it was his will. Well, I went in the temple, and we enjoying our time there, when I just had the feeling  we needed to go. I didn't want to go yet, but the feeling was there anyway. Well, I turned to my companion and told them that I needed to go. They luckily were willing and we left to go get ready to leave. As we walked into the dressing room I ran into Sister Kiser! I haven't seen her in so long. For those of you who don't know who that is, she was the Relief Society president and was my friend's mom. She always cared about me and what was going on in my life and she always made me feel so special. Well it was a super sweet experience to see her! I cried and she was so excited that I was on a mission. She told me she would call my family if she got a chance and send you my love. Even if she didn't send my love. I was so happy to see her and to be able to receive that love. I know that God answered my prayer. He knew my desire and while I hadn't even considered Sister Kiser to be the one to come, she was the perfect person to lift me up and provide me with that love and comfort that I was seeking.
Also, on Sunday for Relief Society, the new General Young Women president, Sister Oscarson, came and spoke to us. She shared an amazing talk about being children of God who loves us. Before she gave her talked, she told us that at age 25, her husband was called to be mission president in the Sweden mission. She then had all the missionaries going to Sweden stand up. Later talked about how her husband served as temple president to the Sweden temple and she was the temple matron. She had all the Dannish missionaries stand up then becuase they were in her temple district. And then what was so awesome, is she had the missionaries going to Latvia stand up! No one ever remembers the Latvian missionaries. So all four of us sisters stood up as well as the one russian speaking sister going to our mission! It was way cool! She then when on to talk about how awesome and humble the sisters are in Latvia and how much she has come to love the people of Latvia! It was so special! Afterwards, my companion, Sister Ormsby, and Sister Bates (she is going to Lithuania and is a solo sister who very often is part of our companionship), and I waited in line for an hour and a half to be able to briefly shake Sister Oscarson's hand. It was so special, and she again shared her love for the Latvian people with us and asked her to share her love with them. I was really touched by all this and I truly got so excited to be able to go over to Latvia and meet these people and share their Heavenly Father's love with them! I'm so excited to go to Latvia and it couldn't come soon enough!
Also, on Tuesday, we heard from Elder Allen of the seventy. His talk was about families and how the gospel can bless them. It was a great talk! I loved his insights about Heavenly Father's plan and how our families are so central to that plan. It was incredible to listen to! I came out of his talk with a reaffirmed testimony of the eternal families, and the fact that my own family can  be together forever! I'm so excited to live with my family forever! It makes these 18 months away so much easier knowing that I have eternity with my family! I can't wait for that!!
Also, I sang in the choir this week! I love singing in the choir! We sang "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer". It was a beautiful arrangement and I loved it. The choir director talks a lot about not singing, but teaching as we sing. He said as we sing we need to remember the message of the song. To me the messag of the song was the scripture Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I know that is true. I know that when life is hard we have someone who understands us and is going to be there as a support and a friend. I love my savior Jesus Christ. He is incredible and He made the ultimate the sacrifice so that I can live in Heaven again with my Heavenly Father.
Besides that I'm not sure what to talk about. The language is coming along. I love the gospel and I love this work!
I'll bear my testimony in Latvian again this week:
Es zinu, ka Jēzus Kristus ir mans glābējs. Es zinu, ka Jēzus Kristus mūs mīl. Es zinu, ka Dievs ir mūsu Debesu Tēvs. Es zinu, ka šis baznīca ir patiesa. Es zinu, ka Džozefs Smits bija Dieva pravieties. Es zinu, ka Džozefs Smits tulkoja Mormona Grāmatu. Es zinu, ka Mormona Grāmata is patiesa un Mormona Grāmata is Dieva vārds. Es jūs mīlu. Jēzus Kristus vārdā, āmen.
translated: I know that Jesus Christ is my savior. I know that Jesus Christ loves us. I know that God is our Heavenly Father. I know that this church is true. I know that Joseph Smith was God's prophet. I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and the Book of Mormon is God's word. I love you all. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Es jūs mīlu!!
Māsa Klauvarda

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